EXSTO designs and manufactures the most reliable and highest quality Bend Restrictors in the world.
More than 20 years of experience
More than 20 years of experience in their design and manufacture.
- Products and performance unrivalled on the market
- The most comprehensive certificate in accordance with the API17L standard, approved by Bureau Veritas France.
Parts up to 400 kg and load capacity of more than 300 kNm.
Solutions et innovations
- Standard Bend Restrictors
- High-temperature Bend Restrictors
- Faster installation

Bend restrictors applications
Bend restrictors play a large part in the installation and operation of subsea cables, umbilicals and flexible pipes.
Bend restrictors are designed to mechanically restrict a line from bending beyond its allowable MBR.
Typical applications include support of a flexible pipe/cable over free spans, protection of lines around other rigid structures such as PLETs, wellheads, cable joints and J/I-tube exits. Unlike bend stiffeners, bend restrictors only provide protection once the line has achieved a particular bend radius.
Bend restrictors advantages
Polymer bend restrictor elements are typically made from structural polyurethane.
The main advantages of polymer bend restrictors over metallic ones is that they do not need any local cathodic protection and due to the low density of the polyurethane material they typically add less weight to the system.

EXSTO's solutions for bend restrictors
EXSTO has a very large range of existing available tools that can quickly and reliably manufacture bend restrictors for fast track projects.
In addition, our in-house test centre enables us to perform extensive full-scale testing.
Bend restrictors Quality
EXSTO has obtained the most comprehensive Type Approval Certificate (TAC) in the industry from Bureau Veritas to the API17L standard. The certificate includes a very wide range of cable/pipe sizes, as well as an impressive maximum load capacity and an operating temperature of 60°C. The TAC is frequently updated to reflect our ever-expanding track record and ongoing developments.